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Dried Fruit Types and Benefits

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Dried fruit: Drying and storing fruits throughout the season is an old tradition. Although dried fruits are low in calories, people on a diet are recommended to consume them more carefully and in limited amounts.

The advantages of dried fruits are that they contain high amounts of vitamin C. Therefore, it is recommended to eat dried fruits to strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body against diseases, especially during periods of seasonal diseases and flu epidemics. Since the nutritional value of dried fruits is similar to old-age fruits, the fruits should be dried and stored especially in the summer months and thus benefit from these fruits even in winter.

These consumption types and production techniques are techniques and methods that have come from ancient times. These habits, which come from ancient species, are still popularly used today. At the same time, they offer us the opportunity to eat healthy and benefit from these fruits in every season.

Dried fruits are among the most valuable foods offered to humans. Dried fruits are also important for health at the last stage. Accordingly, dried fruits significantly protect our body. Analyzes conducted to examine the antioxidant content of foods have shown that the antioxidant potential of dried fruits is quite high. Dried fruits are obtained by reducing 80-95% of the water contained in wet fruit to 10-20%.

Dried Fruit Varieties

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Dry fruit

  • Raisins: are a good source of energy due to their carbohydrate content. Raisins are a good food and a useful medicine because they contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and various minerals (iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus). It is especially effective in physical development. It is very useful to use raisins in people with digestive problems due to their diuretic and laxative effects. It is also a protective food against the anemia problem in our homeland. The iron found in raisins is easily absorbed in the body and can provide approximately 35% of the daily iron requirement. There are also studies showing that it is beneficial for kidney and liver diseases. It is also good for forgetfulness thanks to the B vitamins it contains.

    If the nutritional values of dried fruits are ranked, apricots are placed first as the most useful dried fruits. The benefits of dried apricots are extremely high and behind apricots are dried figs, prunes and raisins. Dried apples are also included in the first line of the list of useful dried fruits at the final stage. The benefits of dried apples are that they are good for shortness of breath and constipation because they are a very rich source of fiber. People who complain about constipation will help overcome this problem by drinking dried apples.

    Nutritious and Potassium-rich dried apricots. It helps with digestive problems. It ensures regular brain function, reduces stress and prevents anemia. Particularly suitable for anemia are “sun dried” apricots, which do not contain sulfur, but are dried in sunlight. The vitamin A it contains prevents skin disorders. It helps growth, strengthens visual functions, and protects the immune system. Potassium at the beginning of the heart muscles ensures that all muscles and nerves work well. It has been determined that fiber is useful in protecting against cancer, as it causes a balanced increase in blood sugar and shortens the residence time of harmful substances in the intestine. Therefore, apricots, a fiber-rich food, are an important nutrient that must be included in our daily diet.

    The intestines of purplish plums are known to be active. A powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attack. Prunes: contain plenty of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, A, C and E. The fruit with the highest protective effect against cancer and aging is plum. Due to the rich potassium and magnesium minerals it contains, it is recommended for patients with tension, liver, heart, kidney and rheumatism, as well as those who follow a salt-free diet.

    Dried figs: Figs are a food that renews cells with high protein, vitamin and mineral content. 100 gr. When dried figs are eaten, 17% of the body’s daily calcium needs, 30% of iron and magnesium, 20% of phosphorus, 5% of vitamin B1 and 4% of vitamin B2 are met. Figs, with their high fiber content, allow cholesterol to enter the bloodstream. It facilitates digestion and protects our body from bacteria. A high amount of calcium and phosphorus has a protective effect on bones and teeth: the calcium contained in figs is more easily digested than other nutrients.
    Dried mulberries: fruits rich in calcium, iron, vitamin B1, B2 and C are well known for many diseases. It has important effects on the regeneration of body tissues and cells, maintenance of water balance, production of hormones and enzymes and strengthening the immune system. White mulberry has an antipyretic and diuretic effect. It is known that black mulberry syrup has a beneficial effect on mouth and throat diseases.

    Date palm is one of the oldest plant species cultivated by man. The iron found in dates tests hemoglobin synthesis in red blood cells and helps prevent anemia, especially during pregnancy, and maintain the balance of red blood cells in the blood, which is vital for the development of the baby. Calcium and phosphate in dates are very important elements for skeletal formation and balancing the body’s bone structure. In comparison with studies conducted by scientists, it was found that the beneficial substances in these fruits that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases are contained in their peels in larger quantities if they are eaten regularly. You can access the contents of our site via Google whenever you want.

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